Hello I am Hanvitha!

About Me:

Currently I am working at Red Hat as an Account Solutions Architect - a generalist for customer interaction around all Red Hat products I hold a Data Science/CS Masters Degree from UT Dallas and did my undergrad from NIT Warangal

Prior to this, I have worked across different industries as a developer. I worked for AMD, Bank of America and Kony.

I am a mom of a little girl. If I were not in IT industry for my Indian parents, I would definetly be teaching dance or be in community work which I do in my free time :)


Senior Solutions Architect

Interacting with customers day to day, learning their requirements and providing solutions precisely. Create compelling demos using open source technologies and Red Hat products in order to bring success to customers.


Senior Software Engineer @ Bank Of America

Developed Reconciliation Tools and Calculators to calculate the Risk factor in market data. Developed Regression framework to automate EOD batch reports

Spring 2018

Co-Op Engineer @ Advanced Micro Devices

Developed web and desktop interfaces to automate and integrate testing environment using PHP, Ruby, Python and SQL


Teaching Assistant/Instructor @ University At Texas Dallas

Teaching Python, Java, OOPs concepts, contest problems, and Django app design for high school students


Product Developer @ Kony Inc.

Worked on generating the backend code required for the mobile applications using Java, Velocity templates.
Support for Mobile Web applications by integrating the existing Java frameworks


My Portfolio

Yes! The webpage that you are on is designed by myself! Learnt Django and created this webapp for practice.
Technologies used: Django, HTML5/CSS, Javascript, jQuery.

DBLP Recommender System

Providing recommendations to the authors - Top conferences and similar authors that they are likely to publish with. Implemented Machine-learning algorithm (K-nn) for fetching the results.
Technologies used: Java,MySQL

Quantifying Intrinsic Parallelism via Data Dependence analysis for Algorithm-Architecture Co-Exploration

Highly aiming at degree of parallelism to indicate system architecture to overcome Sequential processing. This project gives a solution for correlation among the increasing complexity of the Algorithm and the Architecture of a system.
Technologies used: Python



Tech Blog

Want to learn some new tech stuff with me? Then go ahead and click - here

I Have Hope - My Faith Blog

I am a Christian and I love to share my faith with everyone. I am an active church member at Watermark Community Church. I serve at Starting Blocks. Its a privilage for me that God is doing great things through our church!

Christ came to redeem us from our sinful bondages and died for us and rose again on the third day, giving us the free eternal life. If you are interested in knowing more about God and His works, please feel free to contact me! Meanwhile, go ahead and take a look at my blog - here
